Thursday, December 2, 2010

A trip To Urgent Care

Today Westley found a small plastic BB on the ground. On the way to school he stuck it up, and sniffed it up his nose.
So, this afternoon Westley and I took a trip to an urgent care type facility within Kaiser.
\ I knew we could be there a while so I had a food bag packed and his backpack filled with little things to do. I also had a sample BB to show them what they would be looking for.

Westley was a really good sport.. only flinching and crying a bit when the doctor had a long instrument up his nose.
After an hour and a half of attempts to remove it with breaks to give different numbing solutions a chance to work, the doctor got it out.

While this really was not how I expected to spend our day, Westley and I made the best of it.
The doctor asked me, "why is he so good?" I never see kids so calm. That's just Westley. He can be a total pain at home, but he is a joy in public... even under tough circumstances.

On the positive side, Westley and I had some special bonding time. We played tic-tac-toe, did mazes, a dot-to-dot, read books, and colored while waiting for each numbing solution to kick in. That part of the experience I will cherish.

This little BB, I will not

I don't think Westley will ever stick something in his nose again.

We learned a trick of what to do if a child sticks something up their nose. Hold their other nostril closed and then breathe into their mouth CPR style. It forces air out the nostril with the object and can get the object out. Sometimes that is all it takes. In Westley's case it helped the BB become visible, but we still needed it to be physically removed.


Lonna said...

Holy calm response, Batman! You are an amazing mom, Gina. Seriously. I especially love that you turned this into a time to bond.

Jenny said...

Wow! I'm surprised it didn't just end up in his sinus since BB's are so small. I'm glad you and Westley got some one on one time!

amber said...

Gina, that is a great idea to have an emergency bag ready for the kiddos- things that are non-perishable for the peeps who can eat while waiting out the urgent care or ER and activities to keep the kids from being bored. I always bring a book to read for myself as well. Good post.