Sunday, July 10, 2011

Packed 4 Fun!!

Don't worry, the boys and I still create and play each day, it's just that we have done so many a lot of what we do now are repeats. Also I have had less time to blog as I have been working on creating a new business adventure

Packed 4 Fun sells child size, clear, durable backpacks filled with small games, toys, and activities to entertain children on-the-go.
I have often seen children in “boring” places - restaurants, doctor’s waiting rooms, airports, car rides, at their sister’s dance lessons, etc. and their parents have brought them nothing to keep them entertained. Then, out of boredom, they often end up getting into trouble. I vowed to myself to be different with my children and always have activities and snacks on hand. I definitely think it has helped. However, packing a bag of toys/activities is one more stressor when trying to get out the door. When I encouraged my boys to pack their own toys from the playroom we ended up with weird assortment- one lego, a broken leg off a toy, nothing that would actually hold their attention. Now they have their Packed 4 Fun backpacks I keep in the car and we Leave Boredom Behind!
The backpacks are clear so the boys and I can see what is inside and the material is easy to clean. They are lightweight so they can carry them themselves. Items in the backpacks have been carefully chose by me, and tested out by my boys.
I have a favor to ask you. I would sincerely appreciate it if you took the time to check out the backpacks packed with fun on my website If you know any children for whom you will be buying a present, please consider giving them the gift of a Packed 4 Fun backpack. They make a great gift because even the child who has everything doesn’t have one of these :)
A special discount for you - my friends, family, and blog readers can receive 15% off. Just enter the coupon code 15OFF at checkout (offer good through July 31). If you live in the San Diego or Hemet area, contact me and we may be able to get your purchase to you to avoid shipping charges.
I am asking another favor of you - If you could tell others about the backpacks, I would be very grateful. See below for a shorter message you can copy and paste to send to your other friends and family. For Facebook users, please “like” Packed4Fun.
Thank you so much in advance for your support! I have put a lot of energy into this so I hope I am at least mildly successful. Otherwise, I have going to have 5 huge boxes of 250 backpacks in my living room for a long, long time!

I will still keep this blog and update it at least weekly from now on.