$450 was painful to shell out, but we are already getting our money's worth with how many smiles we saw today.
This was Will's first trip as a walking toddler. Instead of just being dragged along he played in the play areas and rode a train and plane ride.
He doesn't look to happy in this picture, but he really was!
We are signing "train"

Will's first time being able to stack legos. Look what he built with just a little help from me!
Westley got to do a couple new things too. He went down the new slide and rode the horse ride
This cracks me up. This is Westley and Kevin on a ride that drops down kind of fast (it's a much smaller version of similar rides they have like this at 6 Flags and Knotts or Disneyland.)
Who's the scared one?
He wasn't really scared at all - but it sure looks like it in the picture
(you can click on pictures to view them larger)
This is too funny!
Glad to see that Westley is finally big enough to go on that very scary horse ride, we've been waiting for years.
Will looks like such a big boy riding by himself on that ride.
Technically you have to be 4 for those horses, but when the guy asked Westley if he was 4 he shouted yes, so he let him on.
Regarding Will
I can't believe they let them ride that ride alone (an adult can't fit next to him, I had to sit behind him in another seat) - especially since they have such high height requirements for all their other rides that aren't even that exciting.
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