Saturday, February 26, 2011

CCI Volunteer Event

Today I took the boys and our Canine Companions for Independence puppy in training, Major, to an event for volunteers at the center. Apparently most people who raise puppies are older adults, as Will was the youngest person at the event, Westley was second youngest, and I was the third.

I managed to keep all 3 fairly well behaved through the recognition speeches and chili luncheon (good thing there was cornbread... 3 pieces of that is what kept Will quiet)
but after that there was some games that the boys had fun with.

We played Tic-Tac-Dog, which Westley especially got a kick out of. There was a large tic tac toe board taped off on the ground. To win, your team had to have 3 dogs in a row in a down position. If they got up you lost that spot. Major's weakness is staying in a down position so I was glad our team one before I had to do it with him.
Then we played something like a version of musical chairs. We walked around in a circle until the music stopped and when it did we had to get our dog into a down position. Last dog to lay down was out. I was happy that Major didn't go out until about half of the other dogs already did. The boys were cute. Every time they did they shouted praise "Good job Major!! Good down!!"
The boys also got to play in a ring toss game. And, they got their picture taken

We won a $10 jamba juice card and a CCI T-shirt in the raffle, so all in all I'd say it was a success!

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