Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yesterday Westley saw two boys doing their homework in a restaurant. He was very interested and stared at them as they practiced their writing.
Today we were cleaning out some things and Westley found a dry erase book for kids to practice tracing their letters. He got so excited that this was his homework. I'm not big on pushing a child to do schoolwork/seatwork at a really young age, but since he wanted to I let him.
I didn't want him developing any bad habits, so I sat down beside him and taught him how to make the letters correctly. Meanwhile, Will sat in his chair with playdough where I discussed the different sizes of balls we were making.

I got a very tiny glimpse of homeschooling... while it might be fun for a few weeks, I couldn't do it. I need a break, and time to recharge my patience.

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