Monday, May 16, 2011

Preschool Art Show

This month, Westley and Will's preschool at Mira Costa College put on their annual Art Show.
A few large group work pieces are showcased and raffled off. Each individual child also has a piece of artwork displayed.

The philosophy on art at there school is different than what is often seen elsewhere. Art is valued as part of learning in physical, cognitive, social and emotional domains. Projects are child led, individually made and process oriented instead of project oriented. Art is open ended instead or pre-subscribed crafts.
Children have experiences to work with paint, crayons, markers, clay, dough, wood, 3D collage materials, and more.
Teachers document with photos and quotes as the children create art and children are encouraged to talk about their art when it is complete. Often, they create a simple story about their work.
If children show a teacher their art and say "Look!" teachers avoid saying things like "I like it! and "It's beautiful" Instead they say things like "I see you used blue, yellow, and purple paint" describing objectively what they see in the art, or they reflect questions back to the children with statements like "Can you tell me about this painting?" or "How do you feel about what you have made"
Children learn to make the art for themselves, instead of making a piece to please teachers and parents. A

The art show was very nice this year. I loved seeing all the children's art.
I also think it was motivating to the boys. Since then they have done more art at home and school. The next day at school Westley made a detailed painting of a milk machine and a person drinking a cup of milk from it. (wish it would have been his piece featured in the show)

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