Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cornstarch & Water

This evening I brought out some messy fun - cornstarch and water.
Under the water, cornstarch feels like a gooey/squishy substance and clumps up. You can grab a handful, but when you pull your hand out of the water it dissolves and slips out of your hand.
Both boys couldn't wait to get their hands in it.

It's often called oobleck and is common sensory preschool activity. Ours was too watery to be labeled as oobleck, but we will make true oobleck sometime (and color it with food coloring)

Will was more interested in plain cornstarch. He liked for me to keep pouring straight cornstarch on his hands (hence why him, and the table got so messy)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Gotta love those non-Newtonian solids.